
Living Gluten-Free With Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity course title page. Picture of steak, seasoning, and vegetables.

eLearning Course

Artifact Details: I developed an eLearning course prototype called, Living Gluten-Free With Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. This course was designed to help educate individuals with non-celiac gluten-sensitivity (NCGS) about living a gluten-free dietary life. The course module content and topics consist of gluten and gluten-free food, food labels, and gluten-free food shopping. Additionally, the course contains interactivity, in-module assessments, and a summative assessment.

Authoring Tools: Articulate Storyline 360

Two empty food shopping baskets on the left. Two shelves of food on the right, some gluten-free and some gluten-containing.

eLearning Interactive Slide

Artifact Details: I developed an eLearning interactive food shopping activity for my prototype course, Living Gluten-Free With Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. The intent was to provide the learner with a simulated real-world practice shopping for food items during a supermarket shopping trip, so they can determine typical gluten-containing food from gluten-free food. The activity involves the learner having to drag and drop food items from a food shelf into one of two shopping baskets, either the gluten-free basket or the gluten-containing basket.

Authoring Tools: Articulate Storyline 360

Grain picture surrounding the word, Gluten.

Captivating Introduction Video

Artifact Details: I created a video with the goal to captivate the learners via a short, humorous, interesting, and informative video with audio narration. The presentation was used as the introduction to a “Living Gluten-Free With Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity” guidance course to inspire and motivate learners to delve further into the courses content.

Authoring Tools: Canva & Apple Final Cut Pro

Living gluten free with NCGS flowchart depicting the elearning course structure and navigation.

eLearning Flowchart

Artifact Details: I produced this eLearning flowchart to depict the content I planned to use for my prototype course, Living Gluten Free With Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. Additionally, it provided accurate visual representation of the course structure and navigation. To develop the flowchart, my Gagne’s Nine Events document and task analysis outline were referred to for accurate alignment of the course objectives and project scope. 

Authoring Tools: Microsoft PowerPoint

A job aid showing three steps of gluten free food shopping.

Job Aid

Artifact Details: I created a job aid representing gluten-free food shopping steps. It is meant to provide learners with simple, easy to understand, visually appealing, and effective reference to the three gluten-free food shopping steps explained in one of the modules of my “Living Gluten-Free With Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity” eLearning course prototype.   

Authoring Tools: Canva